Chartering Coordinator

The Troop Chartering Coordinator is appointed by the Committee Chairman to help ensure a smooth transition of the Re-Chartering propcess, by ensuring that all Scouts and adults who need to be registered annually are included in the re-chartering process.


Is at least 21 years old, subscribes to the Declaration of Religious Principle, and agrees to abide by the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. Possesses the moral, educational, and emotional qualities that the Boy Scouts of America deems necessary to afford positive leadership to youth. Is appointed by the Committee Chairman to serve as its official Scouting representative and is registered as an adult leader of the BSA other than the Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster.


The Troop Chartering Coordinator’s responsibilities are to:

  • Attend district re-charter training/orientation meeting.
  • Coordinates with Committee Chair and Scoutmaster to set re-charter turn-in dates.
  • Notifies parents about re-charter dates.
  • Works with TroopMaster Coordinator to distribute re-charter paperwork and updated forms.
  • Works with Treasurer to collect and record re-charter fees.
  • Works with TroopMaster Coordinator to update troop records and prepare Troop master data submission to council office by turn-in date.
  • Obtain necessary signatures on re-charter forms from Scoutmaster and Charter Organization Representative in timely manner.
  • Distributes completed re-charter forms as needed.