
The Scoutmaster is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts to help them create the program for the troop. The Scoutmaster trains boy leaders to run the troop by providing direction, coaching, and support.

I had stipulated that the position of Scoutmaster was to be neither that of a Schoolmaster nor of a Commander Officer, but rather that of an elder brother among his boys, not detached or above them individually, able to inspire their efforts and to suggest new diversions when his finger on their pulse told him the attraction of any present craze was wearing off.

— Robert Baden-PowellLessons from the Varsity of Life, 1933

General Information

Description: The Scoutmaster is appointed by the Troop Committee to be responsible for the program and image of Troop 285. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters work directly with Scouts. The Scoutmaster can be male or female and is at least 21 years old.

Comments: Only one hour a week !

  • Train and guide youth leaders
  • Work with other responsible adults to bring Scouting to boys.
  • Recruit a Committee Chairperson, and together recruit all other Committee positions,
  • Scouts run the troop; the Scoutmaster is the only adult who can change Troop plans or rules.
  • Help boys learn for themselves.
  • Help the Committee Chairperson plan Committee meetings.
  • Encourage all Scouts to achieve First Class rank their first year and one rank every year after.
  • Delegate responsibilities to other adults.
  • Supervise troop elections for Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders,
  • Assist Senior Patrol Leader in selecting appointed Positions of Responsibility
  • Approve all service projects,
  • Conduct Scoutmaster Conferences with all Scouts who are advancing and not advancing,
  • Meet regularly with the Patrol Leaders Council to plan, train and coordinate troop activities.
  • Attend all troop meetings or, when necessary, arrange for a qualified adult substitute.
  • Attend all Troop Committee Meetings.
  • Conduct periodic parent meetings to share the program and encourage parent participation.
  • Enable each Scout to experience at least ten (10) days and nights of camping each year.
  • Participate in District and Council activities and events.
  • Take part in annual charter review meeting, and charter presentation.
  • Conduct all activities under qualified adult leadership, safe conditions and the policies and procedures of Troop 285, the chartered organization and the Boy Scouts of America

“The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond.”

“The most important object in Boy Scout training is to educate, not instruct.”

— Robert Baden-Powell